Gypsy Lore Society Membership
The Gypsy Lore Society is now headquartered in Slovakia at the following address: Klemensova 2522/19, 811 09 Bratislava-Staré mesto.
The annual membership fee is €50 EUR and we offer you two ways to pay for your individual membership.
You can make a transfer to our bank account by regular wire transfer from your bank, internet banking or by another money transfer method such as Revolut, Wise, Xoom and others. Make sure you write your first name (s) and last name (s) on the reference. If you are paying your membership for multiple years, list them after your name (s). Please ensure that your bank charges your account and does not reduce the amount we receive.
For the transfer you will need the following details:
Account name: GYPSY LORE SOCIETY (FOUNDED 1888), n.o.
Bank name: 365.BANK, A.S.
Currency: EUR
Address: Dvorakovo nabrezie 4
BIC/Swift code: POBNSKBA
IBAN number: SK6565000000000020607416
To pay through PayPal, be sure to enter “GYPSY LORE SOCIETY (FOUNDED 1888)” in full or the following e-mail address as beneficiary:
Article Processing Charge Fund
A special fund has been established to help cover Romani Studies open access publication costs. This fund will be used to help cover article processing fees for authors who otherwise do not have access to funding.
Conference Aid for Early-Career Scholars
Help early-career researchers attend the Gypsy Lore Society conference.
You can use the “donations” link below
Please indicate which fund you are supporting with your donation in the "notes."
Payment questions should be directed to Magdalena Slavkova at