Membership FAQs
Gypsy Lore Society Membership
Frequently Asked Questions About Gypsy Lore Society Membership
What are the differences among the classes of membership?
All members receive the same privileges. Through the categories of sustaining, supporting and contributing membership, members may make additional donations to the Gypsy Lore Society.
What are the privileges and duties of membership?
Members support Romani Studies (continuing Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society).
Members receive discounts on books published by the Gypsy Lore Society.
Members receive discounts on Annual Meeting fees.
Members vote for the Board of Directors of the Gypsy Lore Society.
Members are eligible to access the Members Only pages.
Members are eligible to access back issues of Romani Studies from 2000 on.
Members are eligible to access the index of the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society/Romani Studies.
Members may access the Gypsy Lore Society Membership Facebook group.
Members may access the Gypsy Lore Society Zotero group.
Members support the purposes of the Gypsy Lore Society.
Who may become a member?
Anyone with an interest in the cultures of the various groups known as Gypsies or Travelers and who supports the purposes of the Gypsy Lore Society is welcome to join.
When will my membership begin?
All memberships begin on January 1, of any year. You may join at any time.
When will my membership be due for renewal?
Memberships are due for renewal every January 1.
Online Services Available to Gypsy Lore Society Members
Your Gypsy Lore Society membership offers you access to a number of online services. Here is how you can access those services.
Members Only
On Members Only current members of the Gypsy Lore Society can view
Indexes to the Newsletter, volumes 1 through 25
Membership Directory
Gypsy Lore Society Board of Directors contact information
Get to Members Only from the link on the public web site,, or directly at
You will receive an invitation to access the Members Only portion of the Gypsy Lore Society website when you join the Gypsy Lore Society or renew your membership. Access is for the calendar year. A new invitation will be sent each year when you renew your membership.
You must have a Google Account to access Members Only. Creating a Google Account ( is easy and free. Sign in to Members Only using your Google (gmail) address.
Hint: If you use several e-mail addresses, please register only one address for Gypsy Lore Society correspondence and site access.
Gypsy Lore Society Membership Facebook Group Forum
Open to current members of the Gypsy Lore Society. The group aims at facilitating the exchange between the members who are on Facebook.
Journal Index
Join the Gypsy Lore Society Zotero group to access an index to the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society and Romani Studies (continuing Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society).
The index was created by the Special Collections section of the University of Liverpool Library and by Dr. Carmen Hendershott, archivist of the Gypsy Lore Society. While some subject cataloguing is still incomplete, it is hoped that the index will be useful to researchers.
Zotero is a free citation management software plug in for Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
It enables users to collect, manage, and cite research from all types of sources. It is easy to use, lives in your web browser where you do your work, and it is free! Zotero allows you to attach pdfs, notes, images and screenshots to your citations, to organize them into collections for different projects, and to create bibliographies using Word or OpenOffice. There is also a standalone version of Zotero.
The University of Illinois Library offers a good guide for downloading and using Zotero ( Download Zotero and find more documentation at the official Zotero web site,
After downloading Zotero, go to the Gypsy Lore Society group ( and click on "join group." After you have joined the group, the index should appear under "group libraries" when you open the Zotero pane at the bottom of your screen.
You may also get to the Gypsy Lore Society Zotero group from Members Only.
Back Issues of Romani Studies
Current members of the Gypsy Lore Society may consult back issues of Romani Studies published from 2000 through 2022, posted on the Romani Studies web pages of Liverpool University Press.
When you join the Gypsy Lore Society you will receive an e-mail from Liverpool University Press with instructions on how to set up an account on the Liverpool University Press website. Be sure to use the same e-mail address for registration that you used when you joined the Gypsy Lore Society When you log in you will be able to view the back issues.
Romani Studies Alerts
Current members may sign up to receive Romani Studies table of contents alerts.
When you join the Gypsy Lore Society you will receive an e-mail from Liverpool University Press with instructions on how to set up an account on the Liverpool University Press website. Be sure to use the same e-mail address for registration that you used when you joined the Gypsy Lore Society. Once logged in, click on ”sign up to Table of Contents alerts.’